Ripples on crystals
Physical Review Letters 88, 185504 (18 April 2002)
Recently, surface acoustic waves (SAWs) have aroused interest for
their possible use in areas such as high-speed signal processing.
But the minute size (about 0.2 atomic widths) and rapid speed (over
3,000 m s-1) of the atomic vibrations involved mean that
attempts to capture the propagation of SAWs have so far met with
little success. Now, writing in Physical Review Letters,
Yoshihiro Sugawara et al. present the first real-time images
of SAWs in motion.
Animated gif showing the propagation of
coherent phonon wavepackets across the surface of a tetragonal
TeO2 crystal. |
The authors used high-speed laser interferometry to capture
minute variations in the motion of atoms on the surface of glass and
various crystals. The samples were coated with a thin film of gold,
and a short laser pulse (about 1-picosecond long) generated a
surface wavepacket of coherent phonons Ethe atomic vibrations that
make up SAWs Eat a point on the substrate. The effect of these
phonons on the motion of surface atoms was then determined by
measuring the rapid variations in interference between two
successive 'probe' pulses.
For atomically isotropic materials such as glass, the results
confirmed Lord Rayleigh's prediction that the sound waves would
spread out from a point source in concentric circles. But the images
obtained also unveiled the beautifully intricate patterns that
emerge in strongly anisotropic crystals such as tellurium oxide (see
This work opens up possibilities for a whole new field of surface
phonon 'optics', allowing the study of SAW propagation through
devices such as phononic crystals Eartificial structures with
periodic surface features at the nanometre-scale Eand phononic
waveguides, as well as providing new insights into the mechanical
properties of crystals.
More about surface wave propagation
More animated images of surface waves from the Applied
Solid State Physics Laboratory at Hokkaido University
Watching Ripples on Crystals Y.
TAMURA, AND V. E. GUSEV We present a new method for imaging
surface phonon focusing and dispersion at frequencies up to 1 GHz
that makes use of ultrafast optical excitation and detection.
Animations of coherent surface phonon wave packets emanating from a
point source on isotropic and anisotropic solids are obtained with
micron lateral resolution. We resolve rounded-square shaped wave
fronts on the (100) plane of LiF and discover isolated pockets of
pseudosurface wave propagation with exceptionally high group
velocity in the (001) plane of TeO2. Surface phonon
refraction and concentration in a minute gold pyramid is also
revealed. Physical Review Letters 88, 185504 (18
April 2002) | click here for article | © 2002 The American
Physical Society
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